Friday, April 20, 2012


1 day past 5 day transfer! (that's what my title means).

Transfer went good, babies looked great! I am feeling good, crampy but good.
Here is a pic of our babies

and here is a picture of where they put them (where I'm pointing to is where they put them)

praying for the next couple of weeks for a POSITIVE beta!!! I'm so excited for this great opportunity!!! (and so is Travis)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2 days!!

2 more days until the big day!! I am so excited. My excitement is way greater than my fear/nervousness! That's a great thing ;). God knows what he's doing!

Let me back up and start with last week.

April 11 I had a Dr appt to check my uterine lining. All looked great, 13mm, and so I started my PIO, doxycycline, and medrol that following Sat.

April 17 (today) I had an appt to check my estrogen and progesterone levels and they looked great! however, Dr Katz decided to start me on a new med... Crinone. It is a vaginal gel, but is also progesterone. Just to keep things looking great!

I also got the call to take my Valium at 10:30 on Thur and be at the first floor of the dr office for our transfer at 11:00. I'm praying so hard that our babies make it out of freeze. I'm a TAD nervous they wont, but am faithful that God knows what He's got going on ;)

Until then.....

Monday, April 9, 2012

1 week 3 days

Until my fet! I am getting very nervous but am very excited at the same time. I am hopeful that this works. I pray everyday for God to bless us, in His time. I know that there is no guarantee that this will work, but I have a feeling in my heart that it will :). God would not let us get this far for no reason!

Nothing really new. I started the estrogen patches about 2 weeks ago. I am up to 4 patches every other day now. I haven't had too bad of side effects from them. Tired and cold one min, hot the next. I am also starting to break out and get itchy from them. Ugh! ALL worth it though! I go Wed for my scan and if everything looks good (which I'm praying it will) then we are set for the transfer on April 19th :).

Next week I start Medrol (a pill that will help my body not reject the embryos), Doxycicline (antibiotic) and PIO (Progesterone shots in oil) 2 times a day. I will be doing all those along with my vit e, baby asprin, prenatal, glumetza, dh and the estrogen patches. i'm like a walking pharmacy!

Please be in prayer that God will answer our prayers, in His time. Like I said, I'm getting very nervous but at the same time I feel a peace about things, hard to understand.