Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day holiday

YAY for being off work and getting to spend the day at home with Travis.... doing nothing... NOT!
(Yay for being at home and spending time w/ Travis but I have lots of stuff to do).

I have decided to sign up for the Wee-Cycle Home Goods & Adult sale that is taking place in the next coming weeks. I have to sort through our clothes, print tags (first buy ink and card stock paper), tag things (and buy safety pins) and hang them all according to size. This should be fun! I am hoping it will provide a little extra money so we can get a few new pieces of clothes to replace the ones we just sold :). Poor Travis needs work pants!!

I also have house cleaning and homework to do today. I also wanted to get some yard work done and some things done around the house to prepare for MAPP training. I have found a great blog from a young couple who are going through the foster to adopt process and she has a lot of helpful information on there! I know all states are different but its still helpful :).

Its kind of sad when our day off consists of cleaning and doing yard work rather than going out and having fun! Either way, I'm glad to spend it w/ my honey :)

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