Saturday, September 22, 2012

Moving right along...

We are moving right along with our foster care classes, or MAPP classes as they are called. We got our "roadwork" last week and it was to start on our profiles. Its about 30 or so pages (front and back mostly) about questions about our marriage, the way we were raised, about how we would discipline, etc. All these questions are asked so the people looking over our papers will know how great of parents we will be!! I hope we will be great ones :).

Included in with our profile (the stack of papers) is going to be some pictures of Travis & I, our house (including the child's room, so we need to fix it up and take some pics), our pets, our yard, and neighborhood. I guess we'd better get started taking pics! We are also supposed to include a summary of ourselves and a letter to the child's parent(s). I think the letter will be the most difficult... how do you write that you are going to take care of their child for as long as they need to be, and love that child as if he/she was your own for only a short time? Def will be something we will have to pray upon before writing!

Other than that, nothing is really going on in our lives. Nothing exciting anyways. I'm trugging along w/ my classes, Trav is busy teaching on Tue nights and then doing the football games, we both are involved in the High Country Youth so we have events that go along with that.

If some of you are wondering if we are still TTC (trying to conceive a baby), well... we sort of are but aren't using any meds or dr interventions. I did start on a new supplement called Pregnitude. It seems to be doing good things so far. I am almost done w/ my 1st box. People claim you have to give it 3-6 months to start working, so I guess I will :).

I am so happy that Fall has finally arrived. I love this time of year!!! The sad part is that I need to start working on the outside of the house before it gets too cold and I need to start buying Christmas gifts!

Other than that, we are just enjoying life :)

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